For the pizza lovers out there, how fast can you make your pizza? If you just have 10 second, can you make a good looking pizza?

How to play:

  1. Press the space key to start the game
  2. Hover around the pizza base to choose a location
  3. Click QWERT to add toppings
    1. Q = Tomato sauce
    2. W = Cheese
    3. E = Pepperoni 
    4. R = Mushroom
    5. T = Basil
  4. Finish decorating your pizza within 10 second
  5. Enjoy your pizza!


PizzazMe is made with p5.js in Visual Studio Code and Procreate.

Background audio: Ratatouille's Kitchen by Carmen María and Edu Espinal
Pizza quotes: Code Reference:
p5.js library: JavaScript library:
Array code for adding pizza topping:
Changing screen:

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